About DC Federation Of Democratic Women


In 1972, a dynamic group of women from the Metropolitan Women’s Democratic Club and the DC Democratic Women’s Club established the DC Federation of Democratic Women (DCFDW).

DCFDW has three primary objectives: unite women of the Democratic Party, promote the cause of the Democratic Party, and encourage full participation of women in every level of the Democratic Party structure.The DCFDW is a member of the National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW), the women’s organization of the Democratic Party. DCFDW is also an affiliate of the DC Democratic State Committee (DCDSC).

Women in Blue Council Advocacy Day is one of our signature programs


  • Assure equitable representation of women in the Democratic Party
  • Identify and assist women running for elective and appointed offices
  • Call, postcard, and text on behalf of Democrats in the city and in races across the county
  • Provide workshops and speakers to keep our members apprised of key national and local issues
  • Register voters
  • Get Out the Vote (GOTV)
  • Support the local and national Democratic party
  • Advocate for D.C. Statehood, full voting rights in Congress, self-determination, and the preservation of our democracy
  • Discuss with the Mayor and City Council both our appreciation of their work and our concerns about legislation and issues in our community
  • Emphasize and address the needs of women, children, and families.

Contact DCFDW:  DCFedDemocraticWomen@gmail.com