Campaign School

DCFDW Campaign School Course 1

DCFDW Campaign School


DCFDW Campaign School Course 1DCFDW Campaign School: How to Run for Elective Office in the District of Columbia

Two Days

Saturday, March 9th


Saturday, March 16th

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

  • This 2-day workshop is designed to help those considering running for DC Council, School Board, Advisory Neighborhood Commission, and other elective offices. The training will
      • Identify things to consider when deciding to run
      • Review key requirements to get on the ballot, secure financing, and manage reporting
      • Teach you approaches to estimate the number of votes needed to win
      • Help you craft your “story” and messaging
      • Highlight best practices for campaign management
      • Provide an opportunity to hear from a panel of former candidates and campaign managers

