Get The Facts About Ranked Choice Voting & Semi-Closed Primaries
MYTH: Make All Votes Count DC claims that closed primaries disenfranchise non-party affiliated, independent voters.
FACT: Eligible voters are never barred from joining the Democratic Party. All registered and eligible voters can vote in a general election regardless of party affiliation. Title IV of the DC Home Rule Act inherently guarantees the right of District voters and political parties to associate together to achieve their political goals.
The DC Home Rule Act specifically states that the Mayor[1], Council Members [2], and Attorney General[3] be elected on a “partisan” basis. Independent voters have made a choice not to affiliate with a party. It is not a legitimate argument that closed primaries disenfranchise any registered and eligible voter. In fact, semi-closed primaries are a direct attempt to suppress the Democratic voting rights in the District of Columbia guaranteed by the Home Rule Act. Requiring that a voter be a party member to vote in a closed primary is not disenfranchisement — it is freedom of association.